There is not just one pathway to getting a job. Work with your IEP team and ask what services you can access through the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) and Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc. Rehab or VR). Explore your own interests and needs. You may not want or need to access every service, but you will want to know the options so if the opportunity is available, you can access them. Here are additional resources and examples to guide you. Most people have to try several things before they find the right fit. You may have to move from path to path at times to fulfill your work goals and dreams. Once you have identified a job you would like to try, ask yourself if you have the right skills for it. If not, how can you learn those skills?
Each student’s transition experience with employment will be unique.

What is V.R.?
Connect with your local Vocational Rehabilitation Office (VR) or the Division of Services for People with Disabilities DSPD). Pre-ETS or Pre-Employment Training Services is just one of their services.
VR or Voc Rehab: This agency has counselors for every high school and charter school in the state, and can help connect you to pre-employment services, self-advocacy groups, job opportunities, job coaches, and other supports you need to get started. This introductory video and the following flowchart will guide you through the process.
How can I find employment training programs or resources to help me find employment?
What is Competitive Integrated Employment? In simple terms: real work for real pay.
Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS)
Pre-Employment Services (Pre-ETS) Handout
Customized Employment
DSPD or the Division of Services for People with Disabilities.
DSPD Supported Employment

Use your own network to help you find your path.
Talk to friends, family, teachers, and your support team. Often times you can find opportunities within your network once people know you are looking. Look for volunteer and internship opportunities around you. Before you are ready to find a paid job, it can be helpful to get experience by volunteering or finding a mentor who can give you an internship. This can give you a chance to work on soft skills, and find out more about the type of work you are most interested in doing long term. In addition, many times volunteer positions turn into paying jobs.
Refer to the RED section of the UPC’s Choices book to understand how employment and public benefits like SSI are connected. ABLE accounts and utilizing services like UWIPS can help you navigate employment while still receiving public benefits like SSI and Medicaid.
Choices Book
Do you need help with the "in-between"?
Employment-related Personal Assistant Services (EPAS) is available to those who work and need personal assistance in order to remain employed. For more information and to review the eligibility criteria, visit the EPAS site

Info Sheet & Additional Resources
UPC Employment Resources
Governor’s Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities (GCEPD)
Soft Skills for keeping and getting a job
Utah State Board of Education Toolkit for Coordinating Employment Services
DSPD Employment Pathway tool
Independent Living Centers
Assistive Technology
Advantages to Hiring Individuals with Disabilities
Building a Resume
Career Exploration
Disclosure on the Job
Additional Soft Skills information
How Can I Help My Youth Get a Job?
How Can Families build Soft Skills at Home
Resources Related to Employment