Did you know that you use math every day? If you do things like cook, balance a checkbook, use a map, shop, or use technology you are most likely using math. As a parent, our own attitudes about math can greatly shape our child’s experiences with math. In our increasingly complex world, it is more important than ever that our children are proficient in math. The following is a quote from the Department of Education regarding the importance of math.

“We know from research that children are more likely to be successful learners of any subject when parents actively support their learning. Today, helping children to make the effort to learn, appreciate and master mathematics is more important than ever. Our increasingly technological world demands strong skills in mathematics, not only in the workforce but also in everyday life, and these demands will only increase over the lifetimes of our children.

To ensure that our children are ready for high school and on track for success in college, and the workforce, parents must become involved early—and stay involved over the school years—to reinforce children’s skills in and positive attitudes toward mathematics.” As parents, there are many resources available to help us understand why math matters and what we can do to help our children be more successful.

Supporting your child in math may seem overwhelming, but despite your own mathematical knowledge you can support your child’s math skills at home. Parents can use everyday math and simple learning activities to make a difference in their child’s learning.  The following information sheets contain links to resources you may find useful.

Math Matters Information Sheet

Struggling Students in Math

Online Math Resources

Lets Talk Math: Using Information Provided by Your Child’s School