Rare Disease Awareness
Rare Disease Awareness Each year, the rare disease community comes together to raise awareness for the 30 million Americans impacted by rare diseases. The next RDD will fall on Tuesday,…
Rare Disease Awareness Each year, the rare disease community comes together to raise awareness for the 30 million Americans impacted by rare diseases. The next RDD will fall on Tuesday,…
Eye Health & Vision Resources Source from The Utah Children’s Care Coordination Network (UCCCN): The eyes are our window to the world. We should take care of them. Our children’s…
WHY SURROGATE PARENTS ARE NEEDED Every child who receives special education services needs to have a parent participate as a member of the IEP team to advocate for the child.…
Aids & Classroom Support Paraeducators have become more prominent in the educational system and are often working directly with our students in special education. It is important to define what…
How is Your School Performing in Special Education? Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), states are required to report the progress of students with disabilities in essential areas…
ACT Accommodation Requests The ACT testing deadlines are approaching and if your student is requesting testing accommodations, all requests need to be submitted by your student’s school and approved by…
GOAL Setting for Everyone! New Year’s resolutions are not just for adults. Your child and your family can learn the importance of setting goals, these individual and family goals can…
Further Medicaid Benefits to Consider Medicaid is an amazing resource for families, there are member benefits within the plans that you may not be aware of. We have highlighted a…
Students & Advocating In January, it is typical to set goals for the new year and to identify areas of opportunities for growth. Perhaps one new goal or effort this…
Graduation Options for Your Student in Special Education Students with disabilities and their parents must be able to make informed decisions regarding graduation options. It is important for parents and…
Representation Matters Positive representation can increase self-esteem for youth living with visible and invisible disabilities. Interpersonal contact and exposure through media representation can assist in reducing stereotypes of people living…
Family Holiday Tips & Christmas Countdown Events in Utah Make this holiday season more manageable for caregivers and families with disabilities. Consider these following tips: Keep it simple- Talk…