Honoring Fathers of Children with Disabilities
This Father’s Day we want to express gratitude to all the fathers who have given their dedication, patience, and love to their child with a disability. Often it is the mothers who are given recognition, but there are some amazing fathers who have shared this equally important role in their children’s successes. Yes, this caretaking and interaction may look different from the mother but do not underestimate the power of a father. Every interaction and effort they make contributes to their child’s growth and happiness. Take a look at some of these general observational trends some fathers may show in their caregiving and thank these great dads this coming Father’s Day:
- Love and Attachment: Fathers often feel a deep love and attachment to their child, regardless of their disability. Many fathers are deeply committed to providing them with the best possible care and support.
- Play and Interaction: Fathers often engage in more physical play and active interactions with their child, which can promote physical development, independence, and exploration.
- Problem-Solving and Independence: Fathers help in supporting their child’s independence and self-reliance. They may encourage their child to overcome challenges, take risks, and develop problem-solving skills, which can contribute to their long-term development and resilience.
- Emotional Support and Bonding: Every father’s experience is unique and while one father may show emotional support by expressing emotions openly, another father might give emotional comfort to their child. Some might show their support through their actions of providing a stable and secure environment.
- Pride and fulfillment: Fathers may feel immense pride and fulfillment when they witness their child’s achievements, progress, and resilience. They celebrate their child’s strengths and abilities, focusing on what their child can do rather than what they can’t.
“The Role of Fathers in Child and Family Health” (January 2022) Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354448479_The_Role_of_Fathers_in_Child_and_Family_Health
“Father Involvement in Early Intervention” (2017) Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1140022.pdf
“The Effects of Involved Fatherhood on Families” (May 2016) Retrieved from https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/family/docs/egm16/BehsonRobbins.pdf
“Fathers with Children with Special Needs” (2019) Tina Persels; Retrieved from https://www.medicalhomeportal.org/living-with-child/taking-care-of-yourself-and-your-family/fathers-of-children-with-special-needs
Join our upcoming panel discussion and hear from 8 amazing dads as they share their experiences with raising a child/children with disabilities. You don’t want to miss this one on June 14th!!! Click the flyer for registration and click here to learn more about these dads.