The Transition IEP is like a road map for your future life. It will help you decide what you want your future to look like, and what steps you need to take to reach your goals. During the years between 9th & 12th grade, it would be wise to monitor how much credit you receive towards graduation from each class and document it in the IEP. The planning team should be clear with parents about anticipated graduation dates, and that services end when the student completes their regular high school diploma. One year before turning 18 the school will send home a notice of “Age of Majority” that lets you know that at age 18, students begin making choices for themselves in IEP meetings. Students can invite parents to attend and participate in IEP meetings and assist them in decision-making. If a student needs more support with decision-making, families can pursue guardianship or alternatives to guardianship, like supported decision-making. Along with all other goals and accommodations, the transition IEP should also include employment goals and classes needed to help meet those goals. It may also include Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) activities, self-advocacy goals, the post-high plan, decisions about guardianship, and team members who can assist the student (i.e. Voc Rehab Counselor).

Do you want to go to College?
There are options!

  • In-person or online college is an option for individuals with disabilities if they have a desire to attend.
  • Most schools have a disability office you can work with for accommodations and assistance. Examples: quiet room for testing, extended time, use of a reader (someone to read materials), assistive technology, adaptive equipment, modified instruction, adaptive furniture, ASL interpretation and captioning, etc.
  • Some schools may require current evaluations
  • Take your last IEP and Summary of Performance to the Disability Office at the college of your choice. While an IEP/504 doesn’t transfer to college, the accommodations listed in your plan might help you communicate the details of your disability and the accommodations you need in college. Update your IEP/504 before leaving high school.
  • Clearly advocate for your needs and understand your rights under ADA.

At a Glance Goals and... Skills for Success.

Use this list to help you determine what skills you already have and where you can set goals for independence and college readiness.

  • Able to follow instructions/directions
  • Able to ask for help/clarification across a variety of settings
  • Able to manage medications independently (e.g., take the appropriate amount at the appropriate time, can order or tell someone when they need refills, can describe any side effects they may be having
  • Demonstrates basic hygiene skills without regular prompting (e.g., showers regularly, teeth brushing, nail care, wearing clean clothes, etc.)
  • Accepts responsibility for their actions
  • Demonstrates resilience
  • Is kind to self and others
  • Demonstrates knowledge of personal safety awareness (e.g., stranger danger, how to navigate a new environment safely, knowing whom to contact in an emergency or what to do when feeling unsafe, etc.)
  • Time management skills (e.g., can track time using a watch or phone, can follow a schedule with or without prompts, use a planner, etc.)
  • Demonstrates persistence or perseverance
  • Makes decisions about participation in daily activities with or without support
  • Able to work, or learn to work, in a group environment and collaborate w/ others
  • Has a sense of curiosity
  • Has confidence and/or high self-esteem
  • Ability to adjust to unexpected changes in routine and self-regulate behavior and emotion when things don’t go as planned
  • Is patient with self and others
  • Able to be out of their comfort zone
  • Able to appropriately express emotions/feelings (e.g., loneliness, sadness, anger, being overwhelmed)
  • Has a sense of independence from parents/family
  • Demonstrates a desire to learn and willingness to improve and work hard
  • Able to keep track of and take care of personal belongings (e.g., clothes, phone, backpack, and school supplies, etc.)
  • Able to make healthy food choices with or without prompting
  • Demonstrates the ability to regulate sleep (when they go to bed and get up)
  • Understands the different roles of a professor versus student or peer mentors versus students being mentored
  • Able to use assistive technology that helps them learn (e.g., smart pens, speech-to-text software, various apps on a phone or iPad)
  • Understands their personal learning style or how they learn best (e.g., listening to audiobooks versus reading books; writing notes versus having written notes supplied; actively drawing versus looking at pictures)
  • Is proactive or purposeful in developing a daily schedule
  • Makes decisions related to making and/or having goals for their future with or without support
  • Has a basic understanding of social cues (e.g., eye contact, personal space/boundaries; body language, tone of voice)
  • Has basic housekeeping skills (e.g., keeping a bedroom clean, doing laundry, washing dishes)

(*Distributed through Utah State University’s Journal of Inclusive Post-Secondary Education; Parent Perspectives on Preparing Students with Intellectual Disabilities for Inclusive Postsecondary Education)