A Dad’s Perspective: Speaking with Dads About Disabilities and School
ZoomAs we get ready for Father's Day, join us as we talk to a panel of fathers about IEPs and raising children with special needs. Attendance will enter you into…
As we get ready for Father's Day, join us as we talk to a panel of fathers about IEPs and raising children with special needs. Attendance will enter you into…
Celebrate the first day of summer with us at the park! We will have lawn games, a donut eating contest, and a bubble station!
Join the Davis County Family to Family Network for a Free, Fun, Family Gathering for all abilities! Come enjoy: a magic show bubble station sensory-friendly music lawn games parachute temporary…
Existen muchas opciones para trabajar en la comunidad. Exploremos en qué maneras puedes utilizar tus habilidades de autodeterminación para decidir qué opciones de empleo son las más adecuadas para ti.
Join us! Let's talk about your needs, let's talk about your kid's needs, and what resources are available to you.
Helping your child cope and heal from trauma. Register for any classes in the series at bit.ly/UPCSOS23
Join us to learn the basics and beyond of your child's IEP. Learn your rights and responsibilities of being a part of the IEP team.
¿Cómo diagnostican los profesionales el autismo? ¿Qué información necesitan saber las familias de personas recientemente diagnosticadas o que sospechan que puedan tener un trastorno del espectro autista (o un trastorno…
Join us in-person! Let's talk about your needs, your child's needs, and what resources are available to you.
Join us for an inclusion baseball game for children of all abilities, and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Sandlot. Cast members of the Sandlot will be in attendance!