Virtual SibShop Sibling Support Group
ZoomJoin us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 8-17. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 8-17. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 8-11. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 11-17. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Hablemos Sobre Defensoría. Cómo se han hecho las leyes, y la importancia de Mi Voz. Vamos a aprender acerca de cómo el pasado ha ayudado mi futuro siendo capaz de…
¿Cómo llegan los profesionales a un diagnóstico de Autismo? ¿Qué información necesitan saber las familias de personas a las que se les ha diagnosticado recientemente o que sospechan que tienen…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 8-17. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 8-11. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
Join us at our next Sibshop! Sibshops are game-based support groups for siblings of people with disabilities between the ages of 11-17. Sibshops are facilitated by Certified Sibshop Facilitators, who…
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En esta clase le enseñaremos cómo participar en los diferentes entornos de la escuela de su hijo/hija. Sabe porqué existe el ausentimo en las escuelas, cuáles son los caminos para…
En esta clase GRATUITA cubriremos la Tutela y alternativas de la Tutela como el Poder Notarial, la Toma de Decisiones con Apoyo, la Directiva Anticipada de Atención Médica y la…
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