Pro Se Checklist & Guide
At the age of 18, the state of Utah deems an individual a legal adult, even if that person is impaired, either by a mental deficiency, physical illness, or disability, and may not have the capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions for themselves. Many individuals with disabilities can make decisions for themselves, especially with support. However, some individuals can lack the ability to communicate and make responsible decisions for their medical care, shelter, safety, or basic care needs to name a few. For those individuals, guardianship may be necessary for responsible decisions to be made on their behalf. If at some point the individual becomes able to make decisions and better care for themselves, guardianship can be reviewed and revised to fit their circumstances.
Advocates for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities have worked hard to improve decision-making within this population. Legal processes, including guardianship, are now easier and less expensive. In Utah, a parent or caregiver of a biological or adopted youth is usually given preference to be a guardian. This Pro Se checklist can help you through the process of establishing guardianship on your own and hopefully answer many of your questions. If you need assistance, please reach out to the Utah Parent Center. The complete Guardianship Guidebook can be found HERE.