National Bully Prevention Month
Bullying is never okay. Here’s how you can stand as a student against bullying!
Bullying can happen anyplace— on the playground, on the bus, in the hallways, or even in the bathroom.
Bullying can be many things. It is hitting, pushing, name-calling, threatening, teasing, sending mean emails, taking or ruining another person’s things, leaving someone out – and hurting another person on purpose.
How can you tell if something is bullying? Just remember this:
It’s bullying if…
- Someone is hurting another person on purpose and the kid who is doing it has more power.
- Bullying is not cool and it’s not fair. No one deserves to be bullied.
What can you do if you are being bullied or see bullying happen? A lot!
Speak Up!
- When someone is willing to say they think something is wrong, they can make a difference. If you tell other students that bullying is not cool, they will be more willing to speak up, too.
- If you see bullying, you can tell a grown-up. Telling is not tattling. It’s okay to tell.
Reach Out!
- Tell the student who is being bullied that they don’t deserve to be treated that way.
- Ask your friends to join you in being a student against bullying.
Be a Friend!
- Invite the student who is being bullied to hang out with you.
- Create a ―bully-free zone: On the playground, lunchroom, or where everyone is welcome.
Learn more about what you can do to stop bullying at: https://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org/ or visit the links below for more Utah-specific safeguards against bullying
- PACER: National Bullying Prevention Center
- Utah Code on Bullying and Hazing at School
- Utah School Board of Education: Bullying Statistics
- Utah State Board of Education Behavior Incident schoo report 2020-21
- Stopbullying.gov
- Safe Utah App
- USBE: Safe & Healthy Schools
- Steps to Take if Your Child is Bullied at School
©PACER Center. Reprinted with permission.