Meet Melissa Teemant
Introducing Melissa Teemant, Utah Parent Center’s (UPC) dedicated youth-in-care parent consultant. She is vital in providing support, information, and training to youth in care with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who work with them across Utah.
In her role at the UPC, a non-profit organization offering all services free of charge, Melissa assists a broad spectrum of caregivers, including kinship placements (grandparents or other relatives), foster parents, and other caregivers committed to raising children with disabilities. She also collaborates closely with various agencies and professionals, including:
- Division of Child and Family Services
- Juvenile Justice and Youth Services
- Office of Substance Use and Mental Health
- Utah State Hospital
- Utah State Board of Education’s Check and Connect Mentors
- Intensive Care Coordination within the System of Care
Through her work, Melissa provides practical support and valuable insights to families, such as:
- Offering recommendations to IEP teams to help students grow and succeed
- Assisting individuals through the process of seeking a special education evaluation
- Brainstorming effective accommodations to address unique needs
- Answering questions about student and parent rights within the IEP process
- Sharing disability-specific resources and information
- Connecting families to free or low-cost community resources
- Supporting families with resources to help children remain in the home when behaviors are challenging
- Ensuring that the educational rights of students and families are protected
Melissa’s approach exemplifies the comprehensive, compassionate support the Utah Parent Center extends to families and professionals statewide. Families and professionals can reach Melissa Teemant for support by calling or texting her directly at 385-910-4750, emailing her at melissa@utahparentcenter.org, or by calling the Utah Parent Center at 801-272-1051.
Melissa looks forward to the opportunity to support and collaborate with you!
Below are some of the free statewide resources frequently shared to assist families further:
Parents as Partners in the IEP Process
A Utah Parent Center publication that breaks down the IEP process in an understandable way
Smarter Parenting Podcast and website
Provides help and tips for ADHD, ASD routines, anger, discipline, etc.
Free SMR (Stabilization and Mobile Response)
1-833-SAFE-FAM (833-723-3326) Call line available 24/7 and outreach team available 7am-11pm. For any child, parent or caregiver in a crisis. Can come to your home or visit virtually. Help create a plan to keep you and your child safe to fit your particular needs. Pediatrics focused
NAMI Utah (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Offer parenting classes and parent support groups, mental health mentors and more. For those struggling with mental health and their loved ones
Utah Family Support. Online and in person Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) classes. They offer help for anyone, but focus on foster care and adoption attachment issues
Offers parenting and kids classes, counseling services, prevention, family peer support, substance abuse disorder treatment and more They are non judgemental mentors that can help youth avoid going farther into the juvenile justice system. Children must be under 18 yrs
Changes Parent Support Network
Provides support to parents struggling with children who are engaging in oppositional and self-destructive behaviors
Providing respite care for children ages 0-11, therapy,and parenting classes. 18 locations around the state Independent Living Centers
An online parenting course for parents of kids with ASD. This is a Virginia program but they said anyone can use it. Fill in these things to bypass.
State: Virginia School Division: Private Provider
Agency/School: NA
Role: Family member
Free parenting classes including Love and Logic and Smart Steps for Stepfamilies
Support for all of Utah. Help anyone raising a child that is not their own