What Siblings of Those with Disabilities Face at Home
It’s not uncommon for siblings of individuals with disabilities to feel like they’re alone in their experiences. If your neurotypical or lesser-affected children don’t have any peers or friends who truly understand what life is like at home, you’re not alone. There are several reasons why this might be the case:
- Many people don’t realize that support groups or communities for siblings of individuals with disabilities exist.
- Siblings of individuals with disabilities are spread across different regions, and without a centralized way to connect, it can be difficult to meet others who share similar experiences.
- Talking about the challenges of having a sibling with a disability can feel taboo or misunderstood. Some siblings may fear being judged, labeled as ungrateful, or feel guilty about expressing their struggles, so they stay quiet.
- While organizations like the Utah Parent Center and programs like The Sibling Project are working to change this, outreach efforts specifically targeting siblings are still relatively new and less common than those for parents or caregivers.
- Siblings often juggle their own responsibilities, such as school, work, or family commitments, making it hard to find time to connect with others.
- Families with a member who has a disability often center much of their energy, time, and resources on that individual’s care. Siblings may feel their needs are secondary or not as important, which can lead to feelings of isolation.
Even with resources like in-person and virtual Sibshops or a Facebook group for adult siblings in Utah, it’s natural for siblings to feel isolated between these interactions. That’s where social media can play a positive role. Following sibling content creators can offer both entertainment and a sense of connection. It’s a great way for your children to see that others are navigating similar experiences and that they’re not alone.
@tacobellqween (TikTok) on Today show (link)
@bakerbanter (TikTok, Instagram)
@ournonverballife (TikTok, Instagram)
@erinadvocates (TikTok)
@samcity_ (TikTok)
@happyautism (Instagram)
@siblings_connect_ (Instagram)
@siblingsofspecialneeds (Instagram)
@autismsiblingsforum (Instagram)