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Identifying possible careers which suit your interests and abilities is very important to building your future.  To help you do this, find out what School-to-Careers activities exist at your school and participate; no one can be excluded because of disabilities.

Answer the following questions and complete the checklists to help identify activities and training issues which will equip you for successful employment.

What kind of work would you like to do? ______________________________________________




What kind of environment will you enjoy working in?______________________________________




What kind of training will you need for that work?_______________________________________





Will you need on-the-job support? ___________________________________________________



If yes, what kind and for how long? __________________________________________________


Employment Traits Assessment

Rate yourself, and then have someone who knows you really well (like a parent) complete this checklist of qualities that employers look for in employees:



Needs Training

Needs Support



Is ready for school on time
Shows up at expected time


Calls if late or absent
Rarely or never absent


Tells the truth
Respects others’ belongings
Accepts constructive criticism


Does careful and accurate work
Attempts to correct mistakes
Takes initiative to do new duties


Good personal hygiene
Wears appropriate clothing


Able to follow directions
Asks appropriate questions at the times


Works well with others
Has appropriate social behaviors
Able to handle peer pressure


Able to get to work area from drop-off point
Able to get to pick-up point from work area


Adjusts to changes in assignments
Able to learn new, related tasks


Handles equipment and supplies carefully
Knows and follows the rules of the job
Stays on task
Works at adequate speed
Has adequate endurance


  • Have a vocational assessment to find out what you can do best.
  • Check with career guidance counselors to learn about the many career possibilities and School-to-Career activities.
  • Get some work experience in school or the community such as volunteer work, a summer job, work study, or job shadowing.
  • Learn about supported employment services that help you learn to do a job successfully, like a job coach or working in a group.
  • Find out what career related courses are available in school to help you reach your goals (such as computer literacy, college preparatory or vocational/technical).
  • Find out about adult services like Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of Services for People with Disabilities, Social Security Administration, etc. which have eligibility requirements.
  • Learn what habilitative day training programs are available if you are unable to learn job skills.
  • Other:_______________________________________________________________


As you consider various work/day programs, here are some questions to help you determine their suitability:



  • What services are provided and when?
  • What skills areas are included in the training?
  • What are the entry requirements and costs of the program?
  • What is the earning potential for participants in this program?
  • What opportunities for access to the community are provided?
  • How long do people stay and where do they go when they leave?
  • How long is the wait to get into the program?

Set Employment Based Goals

First, write three goals based on the information gained in this section on employment.  Next, write three specific activities for each goal that will help to reach that particular goal.




  • Get a part-time job.


  • Write or update résumé.
  • Practice interview skills.
  • Contact and apply to three businesses.


Goal 1: _________________________________________________

Activity  1a.  __________________________________________________

Activity  1b.  __________________________________________________

Activity  1c.  __________________________________________________

Goal 2: __________________________________________________

Activity 2a.  __________________________________________________

Activity 2b.  __________________________________________________

Activity 2c.  __________________________________________________

Goal 3: _________________________________________________

Activity 3a. ___________________________________________________

Activity 3b.  __________________________________________________

Activity 3c. ___________________________________________________


This content is taken from the Utah Parent Center handbook:

From NO Where to KNOW Where: A Parent Handbook for the Transition to
Adult Life.