Resource Lists

This section of the website includes links to the various collections of resource lists that we have created on a wide range of important topics for children, youth and young…

Parent Press

The Utah Parent Center publishes a state-wide monthly electronic newsletter called the Parent Press.  It is a great tool for finding out information on new resources, organizations and agencies as…


What is a Webinar? Webinar is short for Web-based seminar.  A webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web.  The Utah Parent Center recorded the…

General Info Sheets

This section of the website includes information on a wide range of important topics for children, youth and young adults with disabilities, their parents and family members, and the professionals…

Information Sheets

This section of the website includes information on a wide range of important topics for children, youth and young adults with disabilities, their parents and family members, and the professionals…

Topical Journals

The Utah Parent Center’s Topic Journals (formally known as e-Journals) are topical publications created by the Utah Parent Center to address specific areas of interest for families and professionals.  They…


AAC – Alternative Augmentative Communication ABA – Applied Behavior Analysis ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADLs – Activities…

Multiple Disabilities

Multiple disabilities, by its very name, means an individual usually has more than one significant disability, such as movement difficulties, sensory loss, and/or a behavior or emotional disorder. There’s more…