October Awareness Month
Parent Centers across the nation receive many calls and emails each year from people looking for materials on disability awareness. People need these materials to help community members, employers, organizations, and residents learn more about disabilities and what it means for people to live with a disability or raise a child with a disability. Information about disability awareness can be utilized in many different ways–from classroom instructional units to Girl Scout information fairs, school reports, and youth groups.
©PACER Center. Reprinted with permission.
Help us celebrate and bring awareness to disabilities in October by learning more about these available resources below:
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Feel what it’s like to take notes with dyslexia – Bell House
USBE Dyslexia Handbook
Books and Videos about Dyslexia: Decoding Dyslexia Utah
Inspiring Books for Children with Learning Disabilities: LDAU
Dyslexia Success Stories: Understood.org
Types of Tests for Dyslexia: Understood.org
Assitive Technology School Supports
Assitive Technology Teams (UATT)
Dear Colleague Letter: Dyslexia Guidance & IDEA Specific Learning Disabilities
Dyslexia Toolkit: National Center on Improving Literacy
Down Syndrome Awareness
Utah Down Syndrome Foundation: https://www.udsf.org/
Medical Home Portal: Down Syndrome
Utah Department of Health: Children with Special Health Care Needs
Down Syndrome Pregnancy Articles
ADHD Awareness
CHADD: Parenting a Child with ADHD
SL County CHADD branch
Understood.org: Personal Stories & Resources
Center for Parent Information & Resources: AD/HD Resources
Attention Disorder Deficit Association
ADDA: Virtual Support Groups
How to ADHD: Youtube Series
Learning Disabilities Association of Utah:Executive Functioning
UPC: Assistive Technology at School
ADDitude: Inside the ADHD Mind
ADHD Awareness Month: More Info
Job Accommodation Network:AD/HD accommodations
UPC: AD/HD Resource page
What is an Individualized Education Program:UPC Handbook for Parents
Emotional Intelligence Awareness
UPC: Social and Emotional Learning for All Ages
UPC: Learning Soft Skills
Understood.org: Social and Emotional Challenges Kids are Facing
Project Pneuma: Importance of Emotional Intelligence
Spina Bifida Awareness
Kids Health: Spina Bifida Fact Sheet (What Teachers Should Know)