Thoughtful Legacy Building
As parents, we will pass on some kind of inheritance to our families. However, that type of inheritance is up to you. Leaving a legacy for our children is much more than a financial product. Crafting a legacy rich in memories for our children and teaching independence for our children with or without disabilities are other ways we can leave a lasting legacy. Taking advantage of opportunities to pass along knowledge, create memories and model what values and traditions are important to your family will make a difference. Find out how to create a lasting legacy by clicking the links below.
At What Age Do Memories Start?
Eight Ways to Craft a Rich Legacy for Your Kids
Create Family Traditions for a Memorable Childhood & Family Bonds
How to Teach Your Kids to Be More Independent
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”
– Pericles, Philosopher