Person-Centered Planning
Person-Centered Planning (PCP) is a way of planning services and supports to help a child, youth, or adult with disabilities achieve their goals and get the life they want for themselves. PCP considers the person as the expert of their life, interests, and talents. It places them at the center of the planning process and ensures that they have the options, information, and experience to make informed choices. According to the Pacer Center, Person-Centered Planning (PCP) focuses on the following objectives…
- To look at an individual in a different way.
- To assist the focus person in gaining control over their own life.
- To increase opportunities for participation in the community.
- To recognize individual desires, interests, and dreams.
- Through a team effort, to develop a plan to turn dreams into reality.
PCPs can be done any time, but consider creating them yearly or at least at transition times to ensure that all efforts to support a child, youth, or adult are focused on achieving desired dreams and outcomes. For more information on how to create a PCP, click the links below.