The Power of Siblings in Natural Language Development
ZoomWhen a small child is identified as deaf or hard of hearing, often there are siblings or other similar age family members in the home. These young children can be excellent language role models as active or passive participants in play therapies. Sometimes, they come into this role naturally and other times it requires a…
How Did We Do? Second Term Special Education Panel
ZoomMeet with the Tooele County School District Specialists and share how you think your child's first term has gone. Do you have questions about special education that you would like TCSD Specialists to answer during this panel? Submit them while registering for the workshop, or email them to Christine Evans at before March 12th.
Why is my child behaving this way at school?
ZoomJoin this FREE online workshop to understand what your student may be communicating through both positive and negative behaviors, by learning what they hope to gain from the behavior. Come learn how to work with the school by addressing these behaviors, and ultimately support your child in learning new skills for success at school and…
Advancing to Secondary
Canyons School District Office UT, United StatesThe transition from elementary to middle school, and from middle to high school, is bound to create some anxiety for students and parents-- especially for parents of children with disabilities. Join us for an evening where we will discuss what can be done to help ease the transition and prepare your child for success. Information…
Tooele County FtoFN presents: Healthy Bodies
ZoomIn spite of delays in other areas, your child with a disability usually enters puberty around the same time as other children their age. Some children with disabilities such as ID, DD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida may start puberty early. This workshop will give you resources and tips on how to talk to…
Escuela de Transición : La Tutela y Alternativos
ZoomEn esta clase GRATUITA cubriremos la Tutela y alternativos a la Tutela como el Poder Notarial, la Toma de Decisiones con Apoyo, la Directiva Anticipada de Atención Médica y la Tutela.
Love and Logic: Adults Supporting Youth with Challenging Pasts
Tooele County School District Student Services Building 555 E Vine St, Tooele, UT, United StatesThis curriculum is designed to cut through the complexity of these very challenging topics and provide real solutions that can be applied immediately... rather than lots of theory or abstract ideas. Step-by-step instructions are provided for each of the six modules. A basic understanding of the Love and Logic curriculum is helpful, but not neccessary.…
Nurturing Neurodiversity: A Guide for Caregivers
ZoomThis FREE workshop will provide valuable insights into understanding and supporting neurodivergent children. We will explore what it means to be neurodiverse, break down stereotypes, share practical tips for fostering a supportive home environment, and address common concerns. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to champion your child's unique strengths on their journey to…
Advancing to Middle School/Jr. High & High School
ZoomThe transition from elementary to middle school, and from middle to high school, is bound to create some anxiety for students and parents-- particularly for parents of children with disabilities. Join us for an evening where we will discuss what can be done to prepare you child for success and help ease the transition. Information…
Parents as Partners in the IEP Process
Treasure Mountain Jr. High 2530 Kearns Blvd, Park City, United StatesWhether it's your tenth IEP meeting or you are requesting that your child be evaluated for an IEP for the first time, the experience can be stressful. Parents are important members of the IEP team. This FREE workshop will help parents understand their role, rights, and responsibilities in the IEP process. Parents will also learn…
Los Padres Como Socios en el Proceso de IEP
Treasure Mountain Jr. High 2530 Kearns Blvd, Park City, United StatesYa sea que se trate de su décima reunión del IEP o de que esté solicitando que su hijo sea evaluado para un IEP por primera vez, la experiencia puede ser estresante. Los padres son miembros importantes del equipo del IEP. Este taller GRATUITO ayudará a los padres a comprender sus funciones, derechos y responsabilidades…