Make the Most of your Medicaid Waiver
ZoomHow to make the most of your Medicaid Waiver through person-centered planning and understanding the Settings Rule.
How to make the most of your Medicaid Waiver through person-centered planning and understanding the Settings Rule.
What skills would greatly benefit you in expressing your desires in the education of your child? Constructive communication skills are the best way to effectively communicate concerns in your child’s IEP or other school meetings. Come learn 8 skills you can develop to aid you on the road to greater success in your child’s education.…
If your child is receiving special education services, is your child taking the same tests as other students? Are there different tests to consider? Join us to better understand Utah's educational standards, including special education and state tests.
Both Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Section 504 plans can offer formal help for K-12 students who qualify for services. Learn the difference between an IEP and a 504 plan and what makes a child eligible. Come and learn what your rights are, and what our role is when working with the school team. Also…
Teach your kids to value their own unique characteristics and abilities. When you feel comfortable with who your child is, they will feel comfortable with themselves. When they feel comfortable with themselves, they will flourish.
How to make the most of your Medicaid Waiver through person-centered planning and understanding the Settings Rule.
How to make the most of your Medicaid Waiver through person-centered planning and understanding the Settings Rule.
Meet with the Tooele County School District Specialists and share how you think your child's first term has gone. Do you have questions about special education that you would like TCSD Specialists to answer during this panel? Email them to Christine Evans at
Planning for the future allows parents time to identify concerns and explore opportunities to help their youth achieve their goals as they approach adulthood. This workshop will provide training on the transition plan as part of the IEP and information and referral to adult services and supports.