What is DSPD and Why You Should Care?
DSPD stands for the Division of Services for People with Disabilities. The Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) promotes opportunities and provides supports for people with disabilities to lead self-determined lives by overseeing home and community-based services for more than 5,000 people who have disabilities. Support includes community living, day services, supported employment services, and much more.
To apply for services, you must fill out an Intake Packet that asks for a lot of information about the person for whom you are applying. This page on DSPD’s website https://dspd.utah.gov/intake-process/ has links to the application as well as a phone number to call for questions.
Because services are funded through a federal match with state dollars, DSPD generally has more people who want services than who can receive them so individuals are placed on a waiting list. https://dspd.utah.gov/waiting-list/ has information about being on the waiting list and this booklet offers an overview of DSPD processes and procedures.
Each year your Waitlist Worker will contact you to update the Needs Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) which is used to determine a score and placement on the waitlist.
When you get into services, you will need to choose a support coordinator who will help you/your loved one access supports and services. This series of documents can help you find and work with your support coordinator.
Choosing or Changing Your Support Coordinator
Expectations and Responsibilities of Support Coordinators and Families
Problem Solving with your Support Coordinator
https://dspd.utah.gov/resources/find-a-support-coordinator/ provides a list of contracted support coordinators and support coordination companies.
https://dspd.utah.gov/resources/provider-search/ can help you find a service provider.
https://dspd.utah.gov/resources/person-centered-planning/ offers several resources to help with person-centered planning, the basis for all DSPD services and supports.
https://dspd.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DSPD-Employment-Pathway-Tool.pdf is the DSPD Employment Pathway Tool is reviewed yearly for those in DSPD services aged 14 or older.
Advocacy Tip:
Write one letter to your state representative and senator. Make sure that it is one page, handwritten, and include a photo of your family/child with a disability. Tell your story to introduce yourself to your legislator.