The Section 504 Plan
School can be a stressful environment for your child and can also be a time of vulnerability. Appropriate accommodations and modifications can reduce stress and assist in achieving and maintaining educational success. As a parent, you are your child’s greatest advocate, supporter, and cheerleader. Become knowledgeable regarding educational laws, services, and programs available within your community. By doing this, you can ensure that your child receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). One of the laws that cover your child’s rights to public education is called Section 504.
What is it & Who Can it Support?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act cover individuals with disabilities during their lifetime. These laws are considered Civil Rights Laws and provide the same equal access and opportunity to individuals with disabilities as their non-disabled peers. These laws cover individuals in pre-school, school, college, employment and community living.
A Section 504 Plan requires schools to eliminate barriers that would prevent the student from participating fully in the programs and services offered in the general curriculum. The plan also covers all persons with a disability from discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance.
Examples of such Federal programs include:
- Public and Charter Schools,
- Public Colleges and Universities including Utah Colleges of Applied Technology
- Federal & State Government Departments & Agencies
- County & Community Programs including community recreation programs
An individual is eligible for accommodations under Section 504 or the ADAAA if he/she/ they? has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more of his/her major life activities.
Section 504 defines a person with a disability as:
- Having a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities
- Have a record of such an impairment
- Are regarded as having an impairment
When You Have Questions About the Process
If you have concerns or questions about the referral process, talk to your student’s teacher, school Section 504 specialist, or principal to begin the process of gathering data to determine student eligibility (All previous classroom remedies, data and information should be considered, reviewed and then summarized by the Section 504 Team which includes parents).
For a list of helpful accommodations, supports and rules, follow the links below.
- What is a Section 504 Plan & Does My Student Qualify for One?
- Utah State Office of Education’s A Parent Guide to Section 504 (2021)
- Section 504 in Action in School
- Accommodations for Students under Section 504
- 100 Accommodation/Service Suggestions for Students Experiencing Academic and/or Behavioral Difficulties