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Child Find/ Referral Referral of a child for evaluation may be formal or informal; may come from parents or from the LEA.
Evaluation Multi-disciplinary, non-biased, comprehensive battery of tests and other evaluation procedures.  At least once every three years, a group shall review existing data and identify any additional needed data.  Written parent consent is required to conduct evaluation assessments.
Team reviews assessment of diagnostic data and determines that the child is qualified for special education based on test results. Team determines the disability classification for the child.
IEP Meeting Individualized Educational Program (IEP) developed by team.  Must be reviewed at least yearly, but any team member, including the parents, may request a meeting as needed.
Placement Team decides placement in the least restrictive environment based on the IEP annually.  Parent signature required.
Ongoing Evaluation Team meets to evaluate the child’s total special education program and progress at least yearly.  (Teacher evaluates daily as the child works on IEP goals.)
Remember the team
always includes the parents!