young girl smiling disability

What is a Webinar?

Webinar is short for Web-based seminar.  A webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web.  The Utah Parent Center recorded the following webinars to be viewed at any time.  Webinar topics include IEP, Transition to Adult Life, Section 504, Autism, Early Transition, PBIS, Bullying, Getting and Keeping a Job, The Journey to Adulthood, and more.  All webinars are also posted on the Utah Parent Center’s YouTube Channel.  Click on the title of the webinar you would like to view.

Funding for Webinars
From 2008 – 2019, the Utah Parent Center applied annually to receive one-time funding from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI), Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah State University, to provide training to parents of children, youth and young adults with disabilities on a variety of topics. As part of those grants, topical webinars were presented, recorded and are currently posted here. Additional webinars were funded through the Parent Training and Information Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs Grant.

Please take a moment to complete the brief evaluation at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future training.

Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions

Seclusion and Restraint: What Parents Need to Know

Presented by Lauralee Gillespie, Disability Law Center
Recorded: January 29, 2018
Running Time:  56 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-2018

Least Restrictive Behavior Interventions

Presented by Glenn Dyke, M.Ed., BCBA, Blind Mule Behavioral Consultants
Recorded September 18, 2018
Running Time: 68 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-2018

IDEA Discipline Procedures

Presented by Carol Anderson, USBE Specialist on Behavior and School Discipline and Nate Dearden, Esq., USBE Specialist on Dispute Resolution
Recorded:  October 23, 2018
Running Time: 61 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-2018

Transition to Adult Services

Utah High School Graduation and Completion Options
Presenter:  Esperanza Reyes, Utah Parent Center
Recorded:  December 17, 2018
Running Time:  20 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-18

Disability Services in Higher Education
Presenter: Angela McLean, Weber State University Disability Services
Recorded:  January 29, 2018
Running Time:  55 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-18

What are Soft Skills and How to Develop Them
Presenter:  Selena Harris, Utah Parent Center
Recorded:  December 21, 2018
Running Time:  22 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2017-18

Soft Skills for Job Success
Presenter:  Dylan Richardson, Utah Independent Living Center
Recorded:  June 8, 2017
Running Time:  43 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2016-17
In this webinar, Dylan discusses ways for youth to begin to build the necessary soft skills to be successful in the workplace.

Lifelong Learning
Presenter:  Michelle Murphey, Utah Parent Center
Recorded:  June 26, 2017
Running Time:  29 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2016-17
In this webinar, Michelle discusses different options for learning throughout the lifespan.

Utah Futures:  A Guided Tour
Presenter:  Michelle Murphey, Utah Parent Center
Recorded:  June 26, 2017
Running Time:  25 Minutes
Funding provided by a grant from IOTI 2016-17
In this webinar, Michelle provides a guided tour of the Utah Futures website.

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2008-09, we were able to host three unique webinars on transition to adult services for individuals with disabilities. The following will allow you to to link to the archives of these webinars. Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.

What Parents and Youth Should Know About Transition
Presenter: Susan Loving, Utah State Office of Education
Recorded: May 19, 2009
Running Time: 49 minutes
In this webinar, Susan discusses what parents and students should do in order to work with the school to plan a successful transition.

What Students with Disabilities Need to Know About Going to College
Presenter: Steven Lewis, Salt Lake Community College
Recorded: May 5, 2009
Running Time: 54 minutes
In this webinar, Steven discusses what college or university programs are appropriate,the availability of support services, campus accessibility, available accommodations, part-time vs. full-time class loads and documentation required to obtain services. Preparation for postsecondary education also includes the skills necessary for the student to become a self-advocate and deal with both the academic and social challenges presented by college.

Planning for Employment for Students with Disabilities
Presenter: Carol Ruddell, Work Ability Utah
Recorded: April 21, 2009
Running time: 1 hour 18 minutes
In this webinar, Carol presents on the different supports and services people with disabilities can access in order to be successfully employed. There are many new programs that help people keep their benefits while employed. Parents and students should learn about the various options and make connections while students are still in school.
Planning for Employment Transcript


Essential Skills for Finding, Getting and Keeping a Job

In this webinar, Leah discussed what individuals with disabilities can do to help gain           competitive employment.

Presenter:  Leah Lobato, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
Recording Date:  October 1, 2009
Running Time:  1 Hour 3 Minutes

Early Transition – Early Intervention to Special Education Preschool

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2011-12, we were able to host three unique webinars on early transition for children with disabilities leaving early intervention and entering special education preschool and kindergarten. The following will allow you to to link to the archives of these webinars. Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.


Early Childhood Behavior
The Utah Parent Center is pleased to announce the Early Childhood Behavior Webinar is now available!  This webinar will provide information on basic behavior, principles of behavior and reasons that challenging behaviors happen. While the intended audience is parents and caregivers of children ages 2-4, much of the information can be utilized in older children.  This webinar was produced by the Utah Parent Center in 2012 and funded in part by a grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI).

Presenter:  Amy Peters, Utah Personnel Development Center
Originally Recorded:  June 20, 2012
Running Time:  27 Minutes

Individualized Education Program (IEP) and School Services

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2008-09, we were able to host three unique webinars on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for individuals with disabilities. The following will allow you to to link to the archives of these webinars. Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.


Positive Behavioral Supports: How Using Positive Behavioral Supports and the IEP Process to Deal with Behavior Problems can Help Prevent Discipline Problems at School and at Home
Presenter: Rebecca Turley, Utah Parent Center
Recorded: May 27, 2009
Running Time: 1 hour 13 minutes


Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Ask about the IEP and the Special Education Process and Early Dispute Resolutions: Questions and Answers
Presenters: Glenna Gallo, Utah State Office of Education and Adina Zahradnikova, Disability Law Center
Recorded: May 21, 2009
Running Time: 58 minutes
In this webinar, the presenters focus on how using the IEP process correctly and using early dispute resolution options can help to resolve problems. Time was allowed for participants to ask questions.

Section 504

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2015-16, we were able to host this unique webinar on IEP and Section 504 Plans for students with disabilities.  Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future training.

IEP vs. Section 504 Plans:  Which Is Right for My Child?

Presented by:  Naté Deardon and Jennifer Slade, Utah State Office of Education
Recorded:  April 26, 2016

Children with disabilities who qualify for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) receive services under an IEP plan. However, some children with disabilities do not receive services under an IEP but are instead served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). This interactive webinar, presented by Jennifer Slade and Naté Dearden at the Utah State Office of Education, will describe similarities as well as differences between the IDEA and Section 504. For some children, providing the appropriate modifications and accommodations they need is the only way they will be successful in their school experiences. A thorough understanding of the provisions of these two laws and how they differ can help you and your child’s teachers plan the most appropriate education for your child.


IEP vs. Section 504 Plans Webinar


IEP vs Section 504 Which is Right for My Child Slides




IEP Tips For Parents


Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2010-11, we were able to host this unique webinar on Section 504 for students with disabilities.  Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.

Practical Ideas for Using Assistive Technology to Make Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Presented by:  Scott Baggaley, UAAACT
Recorded:  June 6, 2011
Running Time:
In this webinar, Scott presents and demonstrates some tools available for students with disabilities.

Bullying and Positive Behavioral Supports

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2012-13, we were able to host twp unique webinars on Bullying Prevention and Positive Behavioral Supports for students with disabilities.  Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.

Reducing Bullying using a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Presented by:  Michelle Murphey, Utah Parent Center
Recorded:  January 9, 2013
Running Time:  1 Hour 12 Minutes

Five Behavioral Issues with Kids with Asperger Syndrome:  Why They Happen and How to Fix ‘Em

The Utah Parent Center in partnership with presenter, Melissa Genaux, M.Ed., and funded by a grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative are pleased to provide this 50 minute webinar discussing behavior issues for children with Asperger syndrome and related disorders.  Melisa will discuss common behavior issues and strategies to change behavior, which behaviors are hard-wired and which are deliberate, and why knowing the source of behavior really does matter.

Presenter:  Melisa Genaux, M.Ed.
Originally Recorded:   May 16, 2013
Running Time:  50 Minutes

Click here to download accompanying handout. 

Executive Functioning Skills Webinar

The Utah Parent Center, Family Links Conference, and Learning Disabilities Association of Utah are pleased to present this Executive Functioning Webinar.
Description:  Executive functioning skills allow a student to organize both their “outside world and inside world.” Students who struggle with this have difficulty organizing and processing information, keeping track of papers, making deadlines, analyzing tasks, and maintaining sustained focus. This workshop will offer parents practical ideas in how to help your child with ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities to manage and develop the executive functioning skills necessary to succeed in school.

Presenter:  Deanne Shields, Learning Disabilities Association of Utah
Originally Recorded:  December 7, 2011
Running Time:  1 Hour 4 minutes

Accessing Services Across an Individual’s Lifespan

Thanks to a special one-time grant from the Interagency Outreach Training Initiative (IOTI) in 2013-14, we were able to host two unique webinars on accessing services across and individual’s lifespan. Click on the title of the webinar you wish to view.  Please take the time to complete the brief evaluation that will appear at the conclusion of the webinar. The feedback that you provide will help us as we plan for and carry out future trainings.

Housing For Individuals with Disabilities

Debbie Stark, Housing Coordinator for the Division of Services for People with Disabilities, presents an overview of housing options for individuals with disabilities.

Presenter:  Debbie Stark, DSPD
Recording Date:  April 23, 2014
Running Time:  24 Minutes

Developing Executive Functioning Skills for Use in the Workplace 

During this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Cardinal will review what executive functioning is, who executive functioning deficits impact individuals, types of assessment, identification of executive functioning skills, workplace accommodations, and eight rules of taking charge of executive functioning skills.

Presenter:  Dr. Jennifer Cardinal
Recording Date:  May 10, 2014
Running Time:  47 Minutes

SSI – Disability Benefits

The Utah Parent Center in partnership with Esther Medina from the Social Security Administration presents this webinar on Disability Benefits. Topics include: Understanding the difference between SSI and SSDI, learn the SSA’s definition of disability, learn about the application process and gain basic knowledge of how going to work may affect benefits.

Presenter:  Esther Medina
Originally Recorded:  July 20, 2010
Running Time:  1 Hour 41 Minutes

Legal Solutions for Families with Disabilities 

The Utah Parent Center, Lisa Thornton and the Family Links Conference are pleased to present this Legal Solutions for Families with Disabilities Webinar.
Description:   This 25 minutes video presented by Lisa Thornton, provides parents and families with children with disabilities an overview of planning and legal needs for parents including:  Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship, Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Letter of Intent and Life Care Plans.

Presenter:  Lisa Thornton, Parent and Attorney
Originally Recorded:  December 3, 2012
Running Time:  25 Minutes