Reaching Employment Goals
Employment Preparation or EPR is now available for families who are already receiving DSPD services. This pre-vocational service provides individualized learning and work experience that contributes to employability in Competitive Integrated Employment.
- If you or your loved one are already in DSPD services and are interested in this additional program you can find more information here.
Once you’ve been approved for this program you can get started on the pathway to employment, you will create Employment Goals.
- With those goals in mind, it’s time to start building skills to help reach your employment goal. What kind of skills are we talking about? Great question, glad you asked! We are talking about achievable soft skills you may have already been building in your everyday life.
Here are 10 soft skills that will help you get a job and keep a job:
- A Strong Work Ethic
- Dependability
- A Positive Attitude
- Self-Motivation
- Being a Team Player
- Organization
- Working Under Pressure
- Communication skills
- Flexibility
- Confidence
Learn how to teach soft skills for 3 different Ability Levels:
- Tips for Teaching Soft Skills to High Functioning Youth with Disabilities
- Tips For Teaching Soft Skills to Youth With Mild to Moderate Disabilities
- Tips For Teaching Soft Skills to Youth With Significant Disabilities
- Teen Book Successful Transitions for Youth with Disabilities: Daily Life, Education & Employment (Yellow Section)
- Disability Disclosure in the Workplace Q and A
- Skills to Pay the Bills
- Utah Parent Center: What are Soft Skills and Why do We Need Them–Main resource page
- Charting the LifeCourse
Advocacy Tip:
Write a second letter to your state representative and senator. Thank them for their time and interest in your family, as you are a constituent and voter. One page, handwritten again. Talk about your needs and family situation.