The Utah Parent Center’s Topic Journals (formally known as e-Journals) are topical publications created by the Utah Parent Center to address specific areas of interest for families and professionals. They are designed to address a variety of issues and provide resources on the various topics. Following are the Topical Journals that have been published.

![UMTSS-Journal-2014_Page_01-231x300[1] utmss journal](
NEW! Utah Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (UMTSS)
This journal will define and discuss an educational model being used here in Utah to meet the needs of all students called the Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports (UMTSS). It is important to note that Utah previously had a similar model called Response to Intervention (RTI). Although Utah now officially calls this process the Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports, some districts and individuals may still be referring to this model as RTI. For the purposes of this journal however we will be referring to it exclusively as MTSS, UMTSS or Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Click here to open PDF of the UMTSS Topical Journal.
![Dual-Diagnosis-Topical-Journal_Page_01[1] Dual Diagnosis Topical Journal](
Dual Diagnosis: Development Disabilities plus Mental Health Needs: December 2013
The Utah Parent Center (UPC) created this e-Journal to provide information to the families of children, youth and young adults with developmental disabilities and special health care needs in Utah about assistive technology and how it can be used to enhance the lives of their children. Read this publication to become more informed about assistive technology, AT in schools, AT and young children, parent stories, and assistive technology resources.
Assistive Technology: September 2012
The Utah Parent Center (UPC) created this e-Journal to provide information to the families of children with disabilities and special health care needs in Utah about assistive technology and how it can be used to enhance the lives of their children. Read this publication to become more informed about assistive technology, AT in schools, AT and young children, parent stories, and assistive technology resources.
PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the Assistive Technology e-Journal
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: September 2012
The Utah Parent Center (UPC) created this e-Journal to provide valuable information to both parents and professionals. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) is the leading known cause of birth defects and intellectual disabilities. FASD is a term to describe a patter of birth defects found in children of mothers who drank alcohol during pregnancy. The effect may include physical and intellectual disabilities as well as problems with behavior and learning disabilities. Know that FASD is 100% preventable when pregnant women abstain from alcohol.
Printer Friendly Version of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder e-Journal
Collaborating with other autism organizations in Utah, the Utah Parent Center (UPC) created this e-Journal to provide information to the families of individuals living with autism. Read this publication to become informed about autism, things the UPC can do to help parents, early intervention, social stories, ten things your student with autism wishes you knew, homework, looking beyond behavior, interventions and more.
PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the Autism e-Journal
It takes a community to prevent bullying of children. We encourage families, students, schools, organizations and other groups be become better informed about the issues around bullying. Read this publication to become informed about bullying, its impact and strategies for prevention and remediating the effects.
PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the Bullying e-Journal
Caring and Caregivers
In the United States today there are approximately 50 million people who are caring at home for family members including children with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses, elderly parents and spouses. Without this home-care, most of these cared for loved ones would require permanent placement in institutions or health care facilities at great cost to society. Read this publication to become better informed about achieving well-being, managing as a family, and resources available to caregivers. PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the Caregiver e-Journal
Response To Intervention (RTI)
Learning can be tricky business. Even in the best circumstances, the process by which we gather and understand new information is fraught with peaks and valleys, stops and starts, successes and failures. When complicating factors are present – that reach above and beyond typical two steps forward and one step back – the task of learning becomes even more difficult. RTI is both an early intervention strategy within general education and one part in the process by which students may be identified to receive special education and related services within all public schools in the United States.
PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the RTI e-Journal
People with Disabilities and Faith Communities
This issue addresses a sensitive topic that touches the lives of many individuals with disabilities and their families – their relationship in a faith-based community. Read this publication to learn more about barriers to participation in communities of faith, Utah’s Faith Resolution, where to get help, friendship and inclusion, some tips for parents, making it through a service, resources, information and services.
PDF Printer-Friendly Version of the Disabilities and Faith e-Journal