This individualized plan focuses on positive behavioral supports to teach and reinforce appropriate behavior skills. Using the hypothesis statement about the purpose of the behavior from the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), the IEP team develops and implements the BIP which includes plans and strategies that emphasize the skills the student needs to learn as well as how to address inappropriate behavior.

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
If your child has a disability and his/her behavior impacts their ability or that of others to access education, the IEP team is required by IDEA law to consider the use of positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports to address the problem.
It is important for the team to consider ways to help your child learn positive behavioral skills as well as academic skills. A BIP is developed by the IEP team with information gathered from the student, parents, teachers, and other staff who know the student well. Additionally updated evaluation information including a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), which determines the reason for a behavior through collecting, analyzing, and reviewing data and observations is used.

A positive behavior intervention plan should include specific steps to help your child learn new behavioral skills. It should include:
• Environmental changes to reduce or eliminate challenging behaviors
• Strategies for teaching new skills to replace challenging behaviors
• Skills training to increase student understanding of positive behavior strategies
• Support that will be provided to help the student practice the new strategies across different settings within the school
Some key points to remember about a Behavioral Intervention Plan
- Written
- Team developed, including parents
- Based on functional assessment
- Changes environmental triggers/antecedents
- Includes strategies to strengthen appropriate behaviors
- Includes a crisis intervention plan, if needed
- Includes modifications in the curriculum and/or classroom expectations
- Defines who will implement it
- Data kept and recorded
- Reviewed regularly

Another thing to remember is that it takes time to change behavior. Sometimes when implementing a BIP, you will see what is called an extinction burst where the behavior intensifies. So it is essential that the team continues with the plan and not give up. It is important for the team to meet again after 4-6 weeks to review the data showing successes and failures, then make adjustments to the plan as needed. This may mean a team might have to meet several times in a school year, but if implemented with fidelity, a BIP can change behavior.
Information Sheets
Web Resources
How about examples of BIPs for children with specific disabilities?
This landing page of PBIS World tells you, bullet-fashion, why to write a BIP for a child, when, and how, and then connects you with many examples of BIPs for students with specific kinds of disabilities.
Here’s another place to look for example BIPs for children with: ADHD, Asperger syndrome, autism, bipolar disorder, fetal alcohol effects. LD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Behavior intervention plans: What you need to know.
This article from explains what BIPs are, describes several behavior interventions as examples, and includes “key takeaways.”
Create a Behavior Intervention Plan
This family focused site from the David O. McKay School of Education gives information on developing home behavior intervention plan and the previous steps and follow-up.
Behavior Intervention or Crisis Plans provides a series of information sheets on behavior including this one.
This brief You Tube video explains visually the BIP process.
We at the Utah Parent Center hope this information will be helpful to you in understanding your child’s behavior and assist you in working with school professionals. Be sure to access our website to review our resources. If you have concerns or questions, please give us a call and speak with one of our knowledgeable parent consultants.
5296 S Commerce Dr., Suite 302, Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Phone: 801.272.1051
Toll-Free in Utah: 1.800.468.1160

This page was funded by a grant from Interagency Outreach Training Initiative at Utah State University’s Center for Persons with Disabilities.